Disclaimer, this article is not based on literature source. Most of it only my personal point of view. Any different opinion won’t be any problem. I only share my thought and don’t be judging


Why should we talk about feminism?

For me, feminism is very important topic for all generation and gender. It’s part of social and human development to give and encourage the role play in life as a woman. Woman can be anything, can be everything, and coping their own idea of future world.

How it’s related to human right aspect?

Human right is not only talk about man's right but also woman’s right. It must be equal and available anywhere. No one can choose their gender, their genetic, or their race. So, we all are the same flesh of meat with holy spirit who get blessed to live in this world with respect.

When feminism found?

For this part, I take source from Wikipedia. The mass of people gather to talk about feminism  was a period of activities during the 19th and early-20th centuries. In the UK and US, it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women

Where we can apply feminism?

No one can make excuse to deny feminism in anywhere. You should respect your mom as the same to your dad at home. You have to make a friend with girl and boys at school. You have to give same space and chance of future to your son and daughter. You have to encourage your colleagues the same opportunity for man and woman. We have same living, same world, and same air. Why should we discriminate people just because of their gender???

What is some literature about feminism?

My first literature that real talk about feminism openly is the sequel  of novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. How American society view to a tomboy growing girl not to be as common thing, the patriarchial power system reinforces traditional gender roles.

Another stories about feminism you can find at classic literature like “Becoming Jane” by Jon Hunter Spencer, or “Little Women” the coming-age novel written by American novelist Louisa May Scoutt.

The fierce movement story you can read on “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood

FEMINIS THOUGHT by Rosemarie Putnam Tong, the copy available in Malang Public Library.

Who’s current modern activist of feminism?

Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani girl is one of leading future feminist now. She is becoming famous after a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat Valley. Yousafzai was 15 years old at the time. She encourage young woman to get education and cope their dream. She got Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 as youngest winner in any field at that time.

One more for the first feminist who brought spirit of equality and woman emancipation in my home country, She is RA. Kartini. She was born on aristocratic Javanese family in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia). After attending a Dutch-language primary school, she wanted to pursue further education, but Javanese women at the time were barred from higher education. She wrote letter and published as a book known "Out of Darkness to Light". Her birthday is now celebrated in Indonesia as Kartini  day in her honor, as well as multiple school being named after her and a fund being established in her name to finance the education of girls in Indonesia.  

Potrait of RA. Kartini

Can we find some modern art of feminism by woman?

Many people get narrative of live based on literature, custom, politic, geographic, and art. Most of common thing is how people catch gender bias when watch a movie, drama, or another art representative as male view perspective. We never know how’s the living in frame of woman’s side. We never taught how to feel the art of woman as main character in screen. We rarely find someone talk about the real meaning feminism art without male’s interference.


From a little brain storming, let’s think again what is a gender? Maybe it's only genetic code and normal biology reproduction system. Wish my words bring peace upon us, no more discrimination and objectivity on woman's body.


Mariatul Khiftiyah said…
I love your writing style while elaborate topics on feminism. Yes right nowadays women has equal right in some aspect but how to change some “social paradigm” about taking higher education and achievement perspective especially in our culture. There’s like a dual standard how we see some achivement parameter? I think the writer should elaborate more on this topic and give some clue on how we change this perspective “social paradigm” with some pro and cons.

Anyways i’m quite happy while reading this article. Keep writing this lovely stuff and keep going. Girls !
rizkamil said…
For additional suggestion popular movie with feminism genre may search : Marline the Murdered in Four Act or Moxie. It's different background and culture but same idea of woman's perspective due to their right as human being

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