Healthy Mind for Better Life

 Hey there, I want to update about my current condition now.

I get so much better according to my mental health and physical appearance. Yeah, I can say so because finally I understand more about the fate.

As the quote from Molly’s grandmother said:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Mystery Guest Novel by Nita Prose.

Finally, I don’t blame anyone for the woes I have been through. I process all the phenomenon naturally, or much complaining. My ability to be acceptance was low back then, but I pull myself together now. Keep my sanity in a glass jar, put it in my mind and remember it for another hard days. It’s not piece of prose from Dead Poets Society, just a simple sentence coming out of my head.

I barely take a look on the positive side only for obstacles in front of me. First scenario: wake up late and traffic jammed, let it be. Second scenario: difficult animals and customers, never mind. Third scenario: get annoyed by my workmates, it doesn’t bother me anymore. Surely, I don’t categorize my personality as calm one nor number one fans of stoicism theory. Peace of mind will find me when I can regulate my emotions in a good way.

The point of reacting too much will drain your energy. Not every moment need your attention. Sometimes, prioritize your personal is more matter. Give some moment to take a break and find clear air. Deep breath, drink water, or pray possible much help. There’s some space in our lungs that need to be filled, like the bubble, let it scretch and inhale more oxygen to clear your mind.

Some activities help me to refrain the unnecessary conflicts. Like focusing on my reading challenge goal in 2024, run for better mind, cook for better gut, declutter to clean my space. Wow, seems so busy, right? No need to add more nerve to waste my time. You are much more precious than just your overthinking!!

 I put a schedule on some important agendas, such as making book review, online seminar, and hang out for fun. Let’s live our life better, cherish the memory while it last. Thank you for stay here as my loyal reader.

-Kamil in Kota Kinabalu-


rizkamil said…
Lately, I called by management to have discussion about my personal problem. There are several point they accused me on doing wrong things.

1. The reasons of medical check up twice in the same month. I was sick and don't get permission to visit doctor??
2. Why did I leave notes on the medical record and not direct communication with vet in charge? I don't know which medical record and it's so subjective to judge without knowing the context. How supposed to make a note for sharing info about the patient?
3. Changing medical plan without notice. I am so tired of working, if there's some urgent issue to settle, mean I don't have time to declare to everyone. I always refer to senior first. Please don't put your personal matter here!
4. I suggest a female dog to wait till first period if want to proceed spaying. Fyi, you should read more journal aboutl atest recommendation of spaying. Early neutering can lead joint problem due to imperfect musculo sceletal development. It won't pregnant unless you let the dog mating!

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