Based on the Cambridge dictionary, faith is great trust or confidence in something or someone. In common interpretation, faith also has meaning as strong belief in God or a particular religion.

In the millennial and high technology era, faith can be something forgotten or unnecessary. It’s not everyone’s timeline in their life anymore. The development of science and computers, make everything get easier and possible. We won’t depend on something that unreal. We just do what we need to do for some goals. Yeah, the goals are kind of materialistic. Only a small part of us still try to figure it out. What is beyond us?

Do you wondering, why we need to know about God?

Deep inside my heart I always questioning about my existence, the purpose of my life and how this world works. Maybe we can find the answer in script like Quran, Bible, or Torah. But, do you really put faith of the books? I know my words sound offensive. Let’s think deeper and slower.

Which part of our body is not perfect? The organs and system work perfectly. It’s an amazing truth that when I attended vet school I realized how complex fauna is in this world, from single cell animal like protozoa till mammalian. Science open a part of my brain that no one conduct my heart to give pulses and pumps blood to my entire vessel in this body. I can imagine if it’s a voluntary response, I have to put a command to my organs to work properly. It’ll be tiring and missed many points.

Have you ever heard about Harun Yahya?

He is a Turkish author of “The Atlas Creation” and a cult leader now. Despite of his negative issues, he was the pioneer of Islamic scientist who fiercely opposed to the theory of evolution and Darwinism. Not only talk about biology, he also narrative the big bang theory and the universe creation. It serve in copy of CDs and encyclopedia books.

I remember in my elementary school, my parents bought the series of CD and we enjoyed the record every weekend. As a child in a rural area of a developing country, I felt amazed by his knowledge to connect science evidence with religious explanation from holy book. It’s such a game changer and new experiences to facing of modern way of thinking of our belief. Even though, in my personal opinion, not everything must well explained as we known it. Because God must have all the mystery and beyond.

How do I reflect my current situation with my faith and the development of modern life?

I always put my belief first above anything. God must be good, the guidance of life. Basic knowledge to solve daily problem. I understand the concept of day after life and consequences of sin. This regulation don’t burden me, I take granted to pursue happiness.

Technology, science, and modernization are revolutions of human development. I admit it give so many good impacts. The easier way of communication by internet and smartphone. Easier house hold chores, with the invention of washing machine, vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, etc. It’s wonderful, right?

In my conclusion, modernization will give such a good impact, so why not feel grateful for all the gifts?


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