Basic need for adopting new cat


Inviting a new pet is same kind like having new family member. The different is you can choose what type and personality of cat you want. So basically, there are so many breed of cats, pedigree and non pedigree. The breed can bring certain gen and speciality. I will give you example, the calm type of cat mostly like Persian, Angora, British Short Hair, Scottish, or Mainecoon. But the active cats mostly came from wild or mix kind like domestic cat, bengal or rex.

 Not only personality, you have to concern about the weather and priority of maintenance having cats. If you life in tropical country, it’s so much better to find short hair than long hair. It’s easy to take care and less stress cause of heat for the cat too. Long hair breed need more attention to give nutrition, bath, comb, shave, or trim. When the hair shade a lot on meating season, you have to ready for it. Can’t denied some of the owner complain cause it make nostril allergy and sneez for sensitive person.

 Adopting a kitten is much fun than adult for some people, the babies of cat is cute, tiny, easy to handle, and adapt faster. But they need special care in the beginning, especially for medical concern like deworming, antiflea spot on, or vaccination. Kitten also more fragile than the adult one. So must separated from another cat first at least a week for adaptation. Kitten need much more attention and frequent feed time, you have to play with them and give treats too for their pleasure.

An adult cat usually more calm, and has their own personality from their previous owner. We have to ask like their special treatment or food they take. Moving a new house give them a lot of stress, especially with another cat that more dominant. Give some space for new cat to adapt the new house and new friend. I suggest to bring them play together with you in several hour to introduce each other. Feed them in same room, give same attention, toys, and litter box. Sharing things bring new warm and tolerant issue toward each other. Make sure you ask their medical record for update vaccination, deworm or flea check. So much better if could bring to the vet first before entering your house.

Next we will explain things and tools you should prepare. Some of basic need like food (suitable for the breed and age stage), litter and litter box, bowl for food and drink. Another tools you need: Scoop for poo, pet carrier, towel, cage, wipes, cotton bud and nail trimmer. Some of cats will be like if you give toys, treats, and cat nip for recreational purpose. Another additional things is wheat grass, it’s good as fiber to clean the digestive system.

First aid as emergency kits for medical case you have to are: bandage, collar, shaver, cotton, tissue, syringe and gloves. For basic medicine always get ready with vitamin, cat’s milk replace, Iodine for wound, charcoal for food poison case, eye drop for eye discharge, cream for fungal infection, ear drop for infection, soft food for force feeding. If you need some heater, find heating pad just incase your cat have to get warm condition.

Maintan you cat condition with bath, comb the hair, clean the ears, and trim the nail. Cats will feel good if they look good. But don’t give shower if their general condition is not good, like fever, not having a good appetite, diarrhea, flu, abscess. Don’t give shower pregnant cat or new infant baby. If only they really need minor cleaning, you can do it.

So it’s so much better to consult with the breeder, vet, or vet nurse for adopting new cat. Make sure you are ready financially and mentally. There’s always any risk for any kind of cats. Just be passionate and responsible as the long life of the cat. It’s need commitment and trust between another family member, not only you as the owner. Maybe your sister, parents must accept the cat present too. Everyone will engage with the cat in daily life.

Ok, that’s all for me as advice from vet for new cat’s family member. Wish you find happiness and joy with new guest


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the useful info doc! I'd like to inquire you, should we consider their genes too? I mean...I believe there are ppl whom like the cats (siblings especially) mate/marry each other. What do you think of this? Thank youu!
rizkamil said…
Hello, yes ofcourse. Make sure they have good genetic. Not inbreeding and don't have prior health problem since young

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