Working as a Vet in Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam

Hello, back with my personal page again.
So I will share about my 2nd place of Brunei life. I have moved to Kuala Belait Branch since last November 2019. It’s just sudden and unconditional movement

Actually my current location is kind like small town near Shell corporation. The people mostly working at Shell and some of them owner of shop or company related to ship, oil, and gas. And the other kind like civil servant or foreign army. Yeah you can say most of people here have good income even on remote area.

Ok let’s jump to the point. So I work at DZ Veterinary Clinic KB Branch with 3 other staffs. There are dr. Afif (Acehness), vet assistant Emy (Bruneian), and vet assistant Ka Mazra (Bruneian). We are like power ranger, working together to accomplish target and job by our self. We help each other and give sympathy or even food if we have. I like them all, we are such a good family cz most of my time I spend with them.

In my new work place we provide same health service like other clinic like health check, surgery, nebulizer, dental scaling, hospitalization, home service, grooming, etc. But what’s make it special? We have good service for help foreigner who want travel their pet to other country (pet import). The regulations are:
1.       You have to contact the travel agent (pet special)
2.       Have rabies serology test
3.       Health certificate

So we will help on 2nd and 3rd point. The owner must prepare the document kind like vaccination book record, pet passport, microchip number, and money. It takes bunch of cash for rabies serology test because we have to send the blood sample to lab on UK and the shipment of the sample by fedex. Maybe you have to wait 1.5 till 2 months for the result. The lab will send the copy by email and for original paper by post.

Before your pet flight, you should make appointment for health check, deworming and give anti ectoparasite medication. And make sure the vet give stamp and sign on the passport for the legalization of documents.

I learn a lot, even not many things can do. I still feel blessed can get a new experience of work life. Hope you can find the pleasure of your passion too. So u won’t find it like work but more to hobby J

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front office

my fav buddy (miumiu)


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