Trash Business for Modern Lifestyle
After I joined SUIJI even for Service Learning Program. I
learned how to solve the problem around us like trash. How did we manage the
trash that produce every day?? It just throw away and will end on sea. Most of
people think to burn it, some of them bury it. Is it good? What is the effect
for our future?
Let’s think and ask to our self. WHAT SHOULD WE DO?
Maybe I just an ordinary girl, I am the same with any other
girls. But something different with me. I always have a passion. I will do
something ordinary with incredible way. I won’t remember about the date but
will always remember the moment I passed.
One of my passion is about how to solve the trash around the
world. I don’t know why but I think to be good is awesome and it is really work
on me. I have work for Origomiind, an activity to make some handicraft from
trash. Origomi comes from its origanating Japanese word, Origami. Ori means to
fold and gami means paper. In the other hand, gomi means garbage. So, Origomi
is the art to fold the garbage. The brand Origomiind means Origomi as
Indonesian local product. I love my work to promote and sell this product. It
is not only talk about how many money that we get but it also concern how to
realize the society about environment. Plastic will sink us in the sea if we
stay produce it and never think how to be wise manage it.
Our idea is focusing on adding the troubling plastic
garbages value by the empowerment of unemployed housewife villagers in order to
repair garbage problems and also help them to increase their economically
income. What makes us difference beside the uniqueness of the materials and the
quality of the products that we maintain to be good by not showing the real
brand of the garbage (people will not want to use that kind of products
nowadays) and one of our product also have the function to reduce the use of
more plastic garbages besides of reusing process, we also cooperates with SUIJI
(Six Universities Initiative Japan-Indonesia) Service Learning Program which
helds Indonesian and Japanese students homestaying in the village every year
concerning the solution in village problem, in this case the problem is mainly
about garbage. SUIJI students can help to develop the innovation of the
products, packaging, selling, and marketing. Because this annual event helps
the project, Origomiind can be sustained. This is also the reason why the brand
has the sense of Japanese word involved.
The strong brand of Origomiind with the high sense of green
product which come from reusing process in order to save the earth from the
troubling plastic garbage and also as the Indonesian local product brand will
be suitable to the trend of Indonesian market nowadays. The uniqueness of the
materialsis also the differences of it. So we believe this product will be up
in the market and profitable.
By giving and managing them the opportunity to process their
own plastic garbage in to something that can be sold in the market, this waste
management solution is a win-win solution to the garbage problem,
unproductivity of the woman in the village, and ecomomically profitable for the
This is my team for Origomiind: Bunga Rana, Satria Maulana,
Wulan Aninditasari, Zakya Ariana and Me
Origomiind Poster
Sharing activity with student of Seoul Women University